Organizing Committee
General Chair
Peter Danielis, University of Rostock, DE
Program Chair
Helge Parzyjegla, University of Rostock, DE
Publication Chair
Stefan Lüdtke, University of Rostock, DE
Publicity Chair
Laura Hagenloch, Digitales Innovationszentrum Rostock, DE
Location Co-Chairs
Sigrun Hoffmann, University of Rostock, DE
Lisa Schröder, University of Rostock, DE
Doreen Schulze, University of Rostock, DE
Web Co-Chairs
Willi Brekenfelder, University of Rostock, DE
Lisa Schröder, University of Rostock, DE
Technical Support
Willi Brekenfelder, University of Rostock, DE
Hannes Grunert, University of Rostock, DE
Laura Hagenloch, Digitales Innovationszentrum Rostock, DE
Thomas Rahr, University of Rostock (ITMZ), DE
Julia Tetzke, University of Rostock (ITMZ), DE
Dr.-Ing. habil. Peter Danielis
Institute of Computer Science
Albert-Einstein-Straße 22
18059 Rostock, Germany
Technical Program Committee
Coming soon.